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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Finance and Risk Management
cover 1cover 2cover 3cover 4 features FiRM "world’s leading quant master’s programmes" (read the news) - FIRM's video presentation (read the news)


MSc in Finance and Risk Management approved as CFA Institute Affiliated Program
2 students grants financed by Deloitte are available for FIRM Students! Deadline: March 29
Join us for a series of seminars featuring FiRM Alumni
Recorded video of the FIRM Open Day - May 2023
May 25, 2023 (time 10-17.30 D6/104)
Congrats to Sara Magnolfi!!!
Dr Marco Logi - Firm graduate - awarded by Finanza Etica for his master thesis
Finance and Risk Management MSc ranked in the top 25 Finance Quant Master in the World!


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